National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH)

Topics in Animal Health Research 1998

02. Development of the viability test technique for embryonated eggs of Trichuris suis by the epi-fluorescence microscopy


A few granules with autofluorescence were detected in the living embryonated eggs of Trichuris suis by the epi-fluorescence microscopy observation technique, however, they were not detected in dead ones. This technique is useful for the identification of the viability for the embryonated eggs which showed the normal morphology under a visible light microscope. This observation technique is advantage to check the safety for the sawdust litter which contained the embryonated Trichuris eggs.
(Associate Director for Research, Department of Bacteriology and Parasitology/Technical Services, Department of Plannning and Coordination)


Bonita, R. and Taira, N. : Faecal examination of Fasciola eggs fixed with formalin solution using the beads technique. Vet. Parasitol., 67 : 269-273 (1996)
