Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center, NARO

Technology Application Research Team

The Technology Application Research Team is conducting research to optimize and systematize the technologies developed by the NARO in accordance with the field requirement and working to accelerate its social implementation. The assignment and implementation period are as follows.

○Support for local farming through the development and application of a comprehensive control system for potato cyst nematodes(R3~R7)

We will develop and demonstrate pest control technology suitable for cropping systems and wide-area soil inspection technology that will lead to early detection and early countermeasures for potato cyst nematodes which mainly hinders the production of potatoes in Hokkaido. We will develop and apply a comprehensive control system that integrates inspection, control, and monitoring. Thereby we aim to improve the efficiency of control, containment and prevention of spread of nematode, and support local farming.

○High resolution of mesh agricultural weather information(R3~R4)

Currently, the agricultural weather data and forecast values, (Agro-Meteorological Grid Square Data, NARO) which are provided on daily basis by 1 km square will be made high-definition (Spatial resolution: 4 times or more = field unit, temporal resolution: partial time value). This is expected to improve the accuracy of crop growth, yield prediction and pest forecast. In order to expand the observation network, we will develop low-cost automated weather observation equipment with low-temperature durability.

Left: Potato white cyst nematode (Brown 0.3~0.8 mm. White is Adult female) that are parasitic on potato roots.
Right: Three-globe thermometer (Developed by Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences: NIAES), Temperature sensor candidate for meteorological observation equipment

