Livestocks play an important role in our lives. Animal products such as milk, meat, and eggs supply the proteins we need to stay healthy and build strong bodies. Safe, high quality animal products are produced from healthy livestocks. Animals also contribute to the advancement of biotechnology and life sciences. The preservation of animal health through the implementation of preventive measures to contain various diseases is an important goal. The National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH) covers basic research to diagnosis and contributes to support animal health.


Characteristics of high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses of the 2023 season

The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization(NARO) has conducted genetic analysis on the high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses(HPAIV) identified in domestic poultry facilities in the 2023 season and inferred their origin from their genotypes. From the analysis, it was revealed that the poultry-derived viruses were classified into two types: a genotype that has been detected for three consecutive seasons, and a newly detected genotype that contains genes from viruses derived from wild birds overseas. Four genotypes, including these two genotypes, were detected in wild birds and the environment. Read more

Reducing Antimicrobial Discharge through Wastewater Treatment and Composting in Swine Farming

The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) has conducted a comprehensive analysis of antimicrobial substance residues and their fate in treated wastewater and compost derived from domestic swine farms. This investigation holds significant importance within the framework of "One Health", as the discharge of antimicrobial substances has the potential to promote bacterial resistance in the environment, thereby contributing to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) concerns in both human and livestock populations. Read more

The high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses of the 2022 season are genetically diverse

The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) has classified the causative virus for 84 cases of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) that occurred in the domestic poultry facilities during the 2022 season (fall 2022 to spring 2023) into 3 groups and 17 genotypes. It was found that 14 of these genotypes contained genes derived from various avian influenza viruses (AIV) found in wild birds. While all 17 genotyped virus strains were highly lethal to chickens, the average number of days required for death varied depending on the strain, ranging from 2 to 6.2 days. Wild birds are strongly suggested to be involved in the emergence and spread of various viruses in the 2022 season. Read more

Two new molecular-based diagnostic kits for Johne's disease

The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) and Nippon Gene Co., Ltd., have developed two types of molecular-based testing kits, 'Johne-Find' and 'Johne-FindPRO', as new diagnostic tests for Johne's disease, a disease that primarily affects cattle. Screening tests using 'Johne-Find' can detect infected cattle more than six months earlier than current testing methods. 'Johne-FindPRO' has high specificity and allows accurate diagnosis in confirmatory testing. The combination of these two tests enables early detection of infected cattle with high diagnostic accuracy and facilitates the disease control in Japan. Read more

Characteristics of the H5N1 subtype HPAIV detected from crows in Hokkaido in October 2023

The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) has conducted whole-genome sequencing of a high pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV) isolated from a dead large-billed crow in Bibai city, Hokkaido prefecture on October 4, 2023. It has been revealed that this virus is classified into the same genotype as H5N1 subtype HPAIV detected in Japan during the 2021/2022 season (fall 2021 to spring 2022) and 2022/2023 season (fall 2022 to spring 2023). Since 2004, this is the first time that same genotype virus has been detected in Japan for three consecutive seasons. From the fact that HPAIV has already been confirmed in wild birds in Japan, we need to be more vigilant against the invasion of the virus into the poultry facilities. Read more

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