-Commercial sales start on July 7 as a biological control agent-
The natural enemy Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) was registered as a pesticide on May 26. It is effective in suppressing thrips and whiteflies, which are serious pests of greenhouse vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes. Nesidiocoris tenuis will be available at Agrisect INC. from July 7, 2021.
The natural enemy Nesidiocoris tenuis is an effective control agent against thrips and whiteflies. These pests damage many greenhouse vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes. Since Nesidiocoris tenuis is widely distributed in Japan, it is possible to use individuals collected in the field as indigenous natural enemies. However, due to the low population density in eastern Japan, it is not possible to collect enough number of individuals to be used for pest control. Moreover, it is not easy to distinguish it from other stink bugs. Therefore, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) has formulated this species in collaboration with Agri-Soken INC. and 5 prefectural research institutes so that producers can easily obtain this species nationwide.
Nesidiocoris tenuis was registered as a pesticide on May 26, and its commercial sale is scheduled from July 7, 2021 by Agrisect INC. under the trade name "Bacotop".
The basic manual to use Nesidiocoris tenuis, in addition to IPM manuals optimized to 7 regions are available on the NARO website (Japanese only).
For Inquiries
Contact: http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/english/inquiry/index.html