
International Peer Review

Updated:June 8, 2012 (Friday)

1. Introduction

During third medium-term research plan starting from 2011 to 2015, we decided to conduct external evaluation on the specific programs in NARO from international perspective by overseas reviewers.

International Peer Review at NIAHInternational peer review for NARO research program "Development of technologies for control and prevention of animal diseases and zoonoses” was conducted at Tsukuba on November 15, 2011. In this review the research quality and direction of the research program conducted by National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH), NARO was evaluated by three following reviewers from international perspectives.

2. Date

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
10:00 - 17:00

3. Venue

National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH), NARO

4. Peer Reviewers

  • Dr. David E. Swayne, Laboratory Director, Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, USDA/Agricultural Research Service
  • Dr. David R. Smith, Professor and Extension Dairy / Beef Veterinarian, UNL School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
  • Dr. Dirk Pfeiffer, Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology, The Royal Veterinary College.

5. The Review Process

This review is an examination of the scientific quality and the specific direction of the 12 research projects from international perspectives. The peer review form consists of an Action Class Assessment (A: high quality and no revision needed, B: good quality and minor revision needed, C:fair quality and major revision needed, D: poor quality and complete rewrite needed) and the reviewer’s comments or suggestions for each of the 12 research projects, and a overall evaluation of the research program.

6. Research Projects

The research program consists of the following 12 research projects (RPs) for the period 2011–2015.

  • Elucidation of mechanisms of pathogenesis of viral diseases and establishment of technologies for disease control and prevention
  • Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of bacterial and parasitic diseases and development of technologies for diagnosis and disease control
  • Advancement of methods of surveillance for exotic infectious diseases, and development and evaluation of technologies for disease control and prevention
  • Development of monitoring and control techniques for animal influenza
  • Investigation of prion pathogenesis and contribution to the BSE eradication program
  • Development of pathophysiological research and monitoring systems for animal diseases
  • Development of new technologies and products for protection against animal diseases
  • Development of safety control techniques in the livestock husbandry environment
  • Development of biosecurity systems for reducing microbial pollution on Japanese farms
  • Development of epidemiological analysis and monitoring for animal disease control
  • Development of technologies for diagnosing and controlling health problems on large-scale dairy farms
  • Development of technologies for diagnosing and controlling animal health problems in subtropical areas

7. Reviewers comment and their response

The result of evaluations of three reviewers and responses of NIAH to each reviewer's comments is as follows;[PDF:147KB]
