
NARO holds the symposium: "Promotion of Agribusiness through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration"

Updated:February 3, 2014 (Monday)

The Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural and food products, and is home to one of the epicenters of research in the area of agri-food, through collaboration between the food production industries and research institutes in its so-called 'Food Valley' region. With this model in mind, NARO held the symposium: "Promotion of Agribusiness through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration", to discuss strategies to enhance such collaboration in Japan.

Prof. Dr. Martin Kropff, Rector Magnificus and Vice-chairman of the Executive Board of Wageningen UR in the Netherlands, gave the special lecture, followed by lectures from four Japanese leaders of industry-academia-government collaboration in the agri-food sector. The final stage of the symposium was a panel discussion on the enhancement of agribusiness in Japan, including five lecturers and Mr. Seiichiro Miyamoto, Deputy General Manager of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department of the Ibaraki Prefectural Government, which resulted in a lively interchange of ideas and opinions.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Tsukuba International Congress Center, Convention Hall 300
(2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0032, Japan)






Keynote Address

Takeshi Horie, President of NARO

Special Lecture

"Innovation in the Agri-Food Sector through Public Private Partnerships in the Wageningen Food Valley: Concept, Strategy and Perspective"

Martin Kropff, Rector Magnificus and Vice-chairman of the Executive Board, Wageningen University and Research Center


1. "Japanese Agri-food Research Strategy along with Japanese Policy for Promoting Aggressive Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Industries" Hirotsugu Amamiya, Director of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council's Secretariat of MAFF
2. "Current State and Outlook for the Future of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Carried out in NARO" Takeshi Horie, President of NARO
3. "Current State and Outlook for the Future of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Carried out in University of Tsukuba" Hitoshi Miyazaki, Professor of University of Tsukuba
4. "Demand from Private Sector for Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration in Japanese Agri-food Sector" Kuniaki Kawamura, Executive Managing Director of the Mayekawa Manufacturing Company


Panel Discussion on the Enhancement of Agribusiness in Japan

Martin Kropff, Hirotsugu Amamiya, Takeshi Horie, Hitoshi Miyazaki, Kuniaki Kawamura, Seiichiro Miyamoto, Deputy General Manager of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department of the Ibaraki Prefectural Government, Japan

Toshio Ohtani, Vice-president of NARO (Food Science)


Keynote address by Dr. Horie

Inside the venue
Special Lecture by Prof.Dr. Kropff

Lecture by Mr. Amamiya

Lecture by Dr. Horie

Lecture by Prof. Dr.Miyazaki

Lecture by Mr. Kawamura

Panel discussion
