1. Introduction
In the third medium-term research plan starting from 2011 to 2015, we decided to conduct external evaluation on the research quality and direction of specific programs of NARO from international perspectives by overseas reviewers. A specific program reviewed in the meeting is the research program "Development of an Innovative Production System in Greenhouse Horticulture".
International peer review meeting |
2. Date
August 26 (Wednesday), 2015
3. Venue
Middle Meeting Room, Tsukuba Office, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
4. Peer Reviewers
- 1) David Byrne, Professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University, USA
- 2) Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino, Research Director, CRA-ORL, Agricultural Research Council, Research Unit for Vegetable Crops, Italy
- 3) Ep Heuvelink, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, Horticulture and Product Physiology, Wageningen University, Netherland
5. The Review Process
The reviewers will read through the six Research Project Plans, listen to the six research project leaders' presentations and discuss the projects with them at the review meeting. After the meeting, the reviewers will prepare a written review using the provided Peer Review Form. The reviewers will assess the projects and select one of five action class judgment (S: high quality and no revision needed, A: good quality and minor revision needed, B: fair quality and moderate revision needed, C: fair quality and major revision needed, D: poor quality and a complete rewrite needed). The reviewers are encouraged to provide comments or suggestions for each of the research projects, together with an overall evaluation of the research program.
6. Research Projects
The research program consists of the following eight research projects (RPs) for the period 2011-2015.
- 1) RP 141a0: System development of greenhouse vegetable production for high productivity and environmental load reduction
- 2) RP 141b0: Development of a low-cost structure design and environment control for safe, energy-saving, and optimized greenhouse production
- 3) RP 141c0: Development of a sustainable production system in greenhouse horticulture for the Western region
- 4) RP 141d0: Development of a year-round high production system for strawberries and vegetables in greenhouses
- 5) RP 141e0: Development of an efficient production system for ornamental plants
- 6) RP 141f0: Breeding of fruit vegetables for high quality and productivity
- 7) RP 141g0: Development of genome resources and molecular technologies for advanced breeding and cultivation of vegetables
- 8) RP 141h0: Molecular breeding of ornamental plants