Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, NARO

Beef Cattle Production and Reproduction Group

In order to significantly increase the head and reduce production costs for strengthening export power in beef cattle production, it is important to build a seamless and efficient production control system (breeding, rearing and fattening seamless management system) from breeding to fattening by combining efficient fattening technologies such as early fattening shipment age along with technology for improving calf productivity such as shortening the calving interval. So, the Beef Cattle Production and Reproduction Group is engaged in the following:

  • Development of calf production increase technology such as shortening the calving interval by adjusting ovarian function and improving the conception rate by determining the optimal timing of artificial insemination,
  • Development of technology to accelerate fattening shipment age by adjusting the nutritional value and amount of feed and so on.

Through these technological developments, we will contribute to the establishment of a seamless management system for breeding, rearing and fattening in order to improve the number of beef cattle shipped and accelerate the fattening shipment age.

Top left: calf; Top right: fattening cattle
Bottom left: breeding cattle, Bottom right: estrus behavior

