Center for Seeds and Seedlings, NARO

Mission Statement from Director-General

Center for Seeds and Seedlings, NARO (NCSS) is a branch of National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO).

We assist Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) through our specialized skills and techniques to control seeds and seedlings affairs, such as plant variety testing, seed quality inspection, and disease-free seed distribution.

We are always trying to update our skills and techniques, in order to catch up the needs for protecting Plant Breeder's Right (PBR), and distributing healthy and high quality seed. For plant variety test area, we have developed DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability) test procedures for many types of plants including ornamental, vegetable, agricultural plants. Now we have started running special fields for fruit tree variety test, since last amendment of Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act by the government of 2020. Also, we have recently utilized DNA analysis techniques for plant variety identifications, which are offered from PBR holders.

For seed inspection area, NCSS is an accredited member laboratory of International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), and enforce seed quality tests both on seed vigor and seed borne diseases. In terms of seed borne diseases test, we are an accredited testing laboratory by national plant quarantine service.

We are responsible for producing disease free foundation seeds of potato and sugarcane while preserving breeders' original seeds. We utilize hydro-culture technique in this process.

NCSS will conduct business operations in line with the needs by sharing detailed issues with the MAFF and the people involved in seed and seedling, and by implementing technological innovation as a member of NARO, while valuing the professionalism and harmony of staff that NCSS has accumulated. We hope to receive your continued support in the future.

Center for Seeds and Seedlings, NARO
