Potato and sugarcane, one of the important crops in Japan, are highly vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, and other diseases. When infected with them, significant damage and decrease in production are caused. In addition, their multiplication ratio (product to seed) is much lower than other crops. We produce and distribute disease-free and high-quality foundation seeds of potato and sugarcane. We make every effort to produce and distribute foundation seeds efficiently with timely response to demands in accordance with the Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas of the Government. It is further necessary for us to continuously make efforts for meeting the demands like improving qualities, etc.

( ) * indicates multiplication ratio
The basic system of foundation seeds propagation at NCSS consists of three steps of propagation of (1) mini-tuber (MnT) in greenhouse/in netted house; (2) in netted field/in netted house; (3) in foundation seed field (potato/sugarcane). Systematic technologies and procedures such as field inspection, ELISA and PCR method for checking virus infection have been used.

We produce potato seeds on isolated fields and conduct some tests for diseases such as naked-eye diagnoses, inoculation tests and serological tests in every phase of propagation.
(Potato: 1 bag = 20 kg)