Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO

Mitigation System Group

Our Group aims to create a business model that incorporates global warming mitigation technologies into farming systems. The challenge is to create solution that balance the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture with productivity and efficiency. Key technologies include controlling methane emissions through improved paddy water management, improving material circulation efficiency using mixed compost compound fertilizer and bio-charcoal mixed compost etc., and promotion of soil carbon storage. Although these technologies are expected to have GHG reduction effects as individual technologies, they are still immature as a business model from the viewpoint of labor and life cycle assessment (LCA). Hence they are not yet at the stage of being sufficiently penetrated in the field. In order to overcome these difficulties in implementing zero-emission agriculture, we will take on the challenge of a five-year mission with experts in soil fertilizers, greenhouse gases, numerical models, and LCA. We will conduct research in line with the global trend toward zero emissions, as represented by the 4-per-1000 initiative, with an eye to both domestic and overseas markets.

4 per 1000 initiative:
The idea that increasing the 900 billion tons of carbon in the soil's surface by almost 0.4% per year would offset most of the 4.3 billion tons of emissions

