Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO

Meteorology and Crop Modeling Group

Adaptation to climate change and recent large-scale agriculture is an important issue, and one challenges is to create various decision support information for crop management using meteorological data and crop monitoring information. The Meteorology and Crop Modeling Group will use information and communication technology (ICT) to support agriculture under a changing climate, creating high-resolution meteorological data, crop growth models, and information tools to realize data-driven agriculture. Our group is creating and distributing the Agro-Meteorological Grid Square Data with daily and 1km resolution. By assimilating observation data using newly developed weather sensors, we aim to create more precise meteorological data, which is required in many agricultural production areas. In addition, crop growth models will be improved with machine learning techniques as the basis to create the decision support information for producers under the rapid socio-economical changes as well as climate change. Through these efforts, the accumulated data both of field experiments and producers will contribute to data-driven agriculture that helps improve agricultural production.

(a) Three-globe thermometer: A weather sensor for accurate temperature measurement outdoors without the use of sunshade
(b) Prediction of rice panicle development by a crop phenological model using weather data

