Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO

Division of Agroecosystem Management Research

Agroecosystems have been formed in the natural environment of the region through the history of cultivation and livestock farming by established people. The biota that makes up the ecosystem has adapted to the periodic management of people in farmland and has been maintained by interacting with the history of land use around farmland. In recent years, the promotion of productive and sustainable agriculture has been demanded. While the use of technologies such as remote sensing and image analysis to manage the condition of farmland is becoming more sophisticated, there is also a need to shift to agriculture that utilizes the power of local ecosystems and biodiversity, or so-called ecosystem services. The Division of Agroecosystem Management Research conducts research to manage agricultural land and the surrounding ecosystem in a healthy state, to create a production environment that is robust against invasion by invasive alien species and fosters rich biota, and to link the development of ecosystem services to the interests of agriculture and the people.

Landscape of terraced rice fields


OKUBO Satoru

Research Group
