Our research group, with the aim of creating a new bio-industry using silkworms, we consider all biological phenomena of silkworms, such as physiology, heredity, and development, as research subjects, and build a foundation for modification technology for its application. Until now, we are engaged in the development of resources and basic technologies such as establishment of genetic recombination method and genome editing method for silk moth, production of enhancer trap lines, etc. (Photo: Recombinant silkworms that fluoresce in the eye). We promote the use of silkworms as a bioreactor to synthesize recombinant proteins by applying gene recombination technology. We have succeeded in raising silkworm varieties that produce fluorescent cocoons (photo) and accomplished commercial rearing in sericulture farmers. We are also engaged in the development of processing technology that brings out the characteristics of recombinant silk. Currently, with the aim of producing biopharmaceutical drug substance, we are improving recombinant protein productivity by modifying silk protein expression systems and developing elemental technologies for the dissemination of ultrafine (highly dyeable) silk races among sericulture farmers.