OSASI Technos Inc.
Integrated Geotechnology Institute Limited
NITA Consultant Co.,Ltd
We have developed "Smartphone version of disaster prevention support system for irrigation pond", which is a new user interface of "Disaster prevention support system for irrigation pond" published in September 2018. It is now possible to report damage status while inspecting the risk information on the pond, thereby enabling the rapid sharing of disaster information of irrigation ponds.
"Disaster Prevention support system for irrigation pond", which was released in 2018, is a disaster information system used for predicting the risk of failure of irrigation pond in case of an earthquake or heavy rain and also for sharing information about actual damage status among disaster management officials nationwide. We have developed a new disaster prevention support system for irrigation pond (hereinafter referred to as the new system) by conducting trial operation from FY 2018, collecting questionnaires from users nationwide, adding new functions and drastically improving the user interface. This new system can be used easily by the local government officials.
The new system is a web browser system that is optimized for browsing and data inputs on smartphones and tablets. When a disaster occurs, risk of failure of each pond and reference information for inspection priority, the damage status and the results of emergency inspection can be reported while inspecting the vicinity of the site. Hence this interface is easy to use visually on site.
In the new system, along with improving the interface, new functions to assist the emergency recovery in case of disaster such as saving the information at the time of the disaster that can be accessed later, sending prediction information via email, importing data from observation equipment installed in irrigation ponds etc. have been added.
Currently, user IDs are distributed to prefectures and municipalities nationwide, and they are being used on a trial basis.
Toshikazu Hori (2018) Development of the Disaster Prevention Support System for Irrigation Pond (DPSIP) Japan Disaster Research、Vol14 No.2:303-314
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Fig. 1 "Smartphone version of disaster prevention support system for irrigation pond",
with screen optimized for smartphones and easier to use at the irrigation pond site.
Fig.2 Damage reporting system
Shares the information on local damage and photos instantly. The navigation function makes it easy to access the site even for disaster support.
Fig. 3 Display of improved PC version
In the new system (Smartphone version / PC version),it is possible to display flood assumption view, landslide hazard area, shelter, etc. and name of the irrigation pond simultaneously , and can display the list of dangerous Irrigation ponds. The PC version can import CSV files of lists and print map screens.