NARO, in collaboration with Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd., is engaged in the development of an inspection method using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) such as drone in order to efficiently inspect agricultural irrigation facilities and coastal conservation facilities. This time, we have created a manual for the reference of field technicians while handling unmanned aerial vehicles for inspections.
In order to evaluate the deterioration of infrastructure, carrying out inspection plays an important role. However efficient inspection methods are required due to limitations in the cost and human resources. NARO, in collaboration with Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd has developed an inspection method using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Photo 1) to streamline the inspection of agricultural irrigation facilities and coastal conservation facilities and has been conducting on-site verification tests. Now we have created a manual for the newly developed inspection method.
This manual organizes the case study of verification tests for deterioration judgement conducted on a total of 16 agricultural irrigation facilities such as agricultural dams, headworks, drainage pump stations, open channels, and coastal conservation facilities and summarized them so that field technicians can inspect the facility concretely and efficiently. This manual (PDF format) can be downloaded from the NARO web page (link below).
(Japanese only)
For Inquiries
Photo 1. UAV used for verification test (measurement type)