- NARO will co-host an online conference titled "Smart Food Value Chain -The Solution to Asia's Food Distribution" on Thursday, October 29th, 2020.
- Experts from the Netherlands and Asia-Pacific region will have discussion on applying advanced technologies, such as IoT and Big Data, to the process of adding value to agricultural products.
- Installation of Smart Food Value Chain will improve the quality of life of farmers in Asia.
The concept of Food Value Chain (FVC) refers to the series of process to create additional value to agricultural products, from the stage of breeding, food production, food processing, distribution, retailing and up to consumption. By implementing advanced technologies such as IoT and Big Data, the food value chain can be utilized smartly to improve the distribution system itself and further increase the added value of agricultural products. Smart Food Value Chain (SFVC) contributes to improve the QoL of farmers in Asia, especially those who produce agricultural crops in small scale fields.
The one-day online symposium will have keynote speeches by the speakers from Wageningen University & Research (WUR) followed by the presentations by the experts from the Asia-Pacific region on (1) Latest progress on installation of SFVC, (2) Transportation system, processing technologies and a supply chain for promoting export of agricultural products, (3) Recent trend in consumer preference, smart food marketing and international standardization to expand agricultural export.
10:00-18:10 (JST), October 29th, 2020
Online (Zoom webinar)
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)
Kasetsart University (KU, Thailand)
Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC, Taiwan)
Online: 500
Please preregister using the online registration form.
Visit the URL below for further information and the details of the program.
Registration deadline
October 13th, 2020
For Inquiries
NARO International Relations Section
E-mail: naro-intl-event@ml.affrc.go.jp
Tel: +81 (0) 29-838-7944