Institute of Food Research, NARO

Division of Food Processing and Biomaterials Research

In Division of Food Processing and Biomaterials Research, Food Processing Group is engaged in the development of technologies for improving the quality of processed foods and Biomaterials Development Group is in charge of the development of useful materials using biotechnology. The key words for the developmental study include long term storage/shelf life technology at room temperature, food processing technology for plant materials, food 3D-printing technology, fermentation, starch/carbohydrate, lipid, biomass utilization, freezing/drying, sterilization, etc. In addition to these challenges, the fifth medium- to long-term plan aims to reduce food loss and develop new processing and cooking technologies through the development of 3D food printers (3D-AI chef machines) employing AI.
The market environment for food is undergoing significant changes, including the diversification of food needs and the domestic market shrinking due to the declining population. In collaboration with food-related industries, our research division will create new foods that meet our needs, expand of exports, reduction of food loss, and the market growth for freeze-dried agricultural products. Toward the creation of a new food industry utilizing AI and biotechnology, we will also develop cutting-edge processing technologies related to new plant protein, microbial fermented food materials and utilization of unused resources , as well as electrical processing and emulsification technology using micro-processing devices, and transfer the technology to food companies.


KIMURA Keitarou

YOZA Koichi (Senior Scientist)

Research Group
