A Human interventional study showed that quercetin contained in onions helps maintain cognitive function that declines with aging. A general cognitive test was carried out in which 2 groups of healthy elderly people consumed quercetin-rich onion powder and quercetin-free white onion powder respectively for about 5 months. The result showed that the change of the test score of people who took quercetin-rich onion was significantly higher than that of people who consumed quercetin-free white onion. In the future, using this research outcome, we will aim to submit the notification of onions as Food with Function Claims which functional substance is quercetin.
Under the current population aging, prevention of dementia through dietary habits and control of cognitive decline by aging are expected. A research group consisting of National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Hokkaido Information University, and Gifu University has been studying the effects of quercetin contained in onion on cognitive functions, focusing on the health function of quercetin widely contained in vegetables, teas, fruits, etc. and is particularly abundant in onions.
Seventy healthy men and women aged 60-80 years consumed quercetin-rich or quercetin-free onion powders daily for about 5 months (24 weeks) and underwent the Mini-Mental State Examination, a common cognitive function test, before and after the consumption period. People who took quercetin-rich onions showed a greater increase in test scores than those who took quercetin-free onions, indicating that quercetin helped them maintain cognitive function (Test results were published on the online version of "J Clin Biochem Nutri" dated Friday, May 21). From the results, it was revealed that onions taken in daily diets may be helpful to maintain cognitive function declining with aging.
Based on this research outcome, we will aim to submit the notification of onions as Food with Function Claims that contains quercetin as the functional substance and helps maintain cognitive function that declines with aging.
Relevant information
Budget: Project of the NARO Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution (R&D matching funds on the field for Knowledge Integration).
For Inquiries
Contact: http://www.naro.go.jp/english/inquiry/index.html
Published Paper
The effect of 24-week continuous intake of quercetin-rich onion on age-related cognitive decline in healthy elderly people: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group comparative clinical trial. Jun Nishihira, Mie Nishimura, Masanori Kurimoto, Hiroyo Kagami-Katsuyama, Hiroki Hattori, Toshiyuki Nakagawa, Takato Muro, and Masuko Kobori. J Clin Biochem Nutri. 69(2):203-215.
'Health functionality of onions', KOBORI Masuko, Food & packaging2021 62(3) 146-151 (in Japanese).