National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH)

Topics in Animal Health Research 1995

07. Protective effect of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q9) on ascites in broiler chickens


The effect of ubiquinone (CoQ9) on ascites in broiler chickens was investigated. The commercial broilers wee divided into 2 groups of 100 birds each; CoQ9-treated group and non-treated group. The chickens were grown in a positive-pressured house with double high efficiency particular air filtered intake and exhaust, and thus were strictly isolated from infectious agents. The chickens (15 to 21 days old) were exposed to cold stress in order to induce ascites. The number of birds with ascites in the CoQ9 -treated group was significant lower than in the non-treated group. Survival and production rates were better in the CoQ9-treated group than in the non-treated group.
(Third Lab. of Pathology, Third Research Division)
