Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, NARO


Research and development on vegetables and ornamental plants

The NIVFS conducts basic and fundamental research to support the breeding and cultivation, development of a stable and high-yield production system, reduction of environmental impact, and development of technologies for quality, efficient distribution etc. of major vegetables and ornamental plants. Vegetable research is grouped into the Division of Vegetable Breeding and the Division of Vegetable Pest Management and Functional Analysis at the Anou Vegetable Research Station in Mie Prefecture, and the Division of Vegetable Production System at the Tsukuba Headquarters. For ornamental plants, the Division of Floricultural Genetics and Breeding and the Division of Floricultural Production and Postharvest Technology, are both based in the Fujimoto Campus in Tsukuba.

Vegetable Crops R&D

Development of varieties for the stable production and high profitability of vegetables, research and investigation towards the advancement of fundamental breeding technology; development of an integrated pest management system and development of technology for the elucidation of the quality and functionality of the high value added vegetables; and elucidation of the physiological and ecological characteristics of vegetables, and development of an innovative production system in Open field vegetable production greenhouse horticulture open field vegetable production.


Floriculture R&D

Research on ornamental plants focuses on the development of new traits in major flowers by genetic recombination technology, development of novel cultivars based on the analysis of genetic information, and development of high quality and stable production of major ornamental plants based on analysis of growth and physiological mechanism of post-harvest.



  • 1902: A horticultural division was established in the National Agricultural Research Station in Okitsu, Shizuoka Prefecture.
  • 1921: The National Horticultural Research Station (NHRS) was established as an independent institute in the same location.
  • 1973: The National Research Institute of Vegetables (NRIV) was established at Isshiden, Mie Prefecture and floriculture research was carried out at Isshiden, Taketoyo (Aichi Prefecture) and Kurume (Fukuoka Prefecture).
  • 1981: The National Research Institute of Vegetables (NRIV) headquarters was relocated from Isshiden to Anou, Mie Prefecture.
  • 1986: The National Research Institute of Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea (NIVOT) was established.
  • 2001: The National Institute of Floricultural Science (NIFS) and the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science (NIVTS) were separately established as institutes of the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO).
  • 2003: The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) was renamed as the National Agricultural Bio-oriented Research Organisation. The National Institute of Floricultural Science (NIFS) and the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science (NIVTS) remained as separate institutes.
  • 2006: The National Agricultural Bio-oriented Research Organisation was renamed as National Agriculture and Food Research Organisation. The National Institute of Floricultural Science (NIFS) and the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science (NIVTS) remained as separate institutes.
  • 2016: The National Institute of Floricultural Science (NIFS) and the National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science (NIVTS) Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science were restructured as part of the reorganization of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organisation. The reorganised institute was renamed as Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, NARO (NIVFS).
