


  • (社)全国家畜畜産物衛生指導協会. 豚コレラ(Classical swine fever).
    東京, (社)全国家畜畜産物衛生指導協会, 2006.
  • OIE. Terrestrial Animal Health Code. 14th ed.
    Paris, World Organisation for Animal Health, 2005. (ISBN 92-9044-635-8)
    • "Chapter 2.6.7 Classical swine fever". pp.264-274.
    • "Appendix 3.8.8 Guidelines for the surveillance of Classical Swine Fever". pp.527-533.
  • OIE. Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals (mammals, birds and bees). 5th ed.
    Paris, Office International des Epizooties, 2004. (ISBN 92-9044-622-6)
    • "Chapter 2.1.13 Classical Swine Fever(Hog cholera)". pp.244-257.
  • C.M.Fauquet, M.A.Mayo, J.Maniloff, U.Desselberger and L.A.Ball. Virus Taxonomy: Eighth report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.
    Flaviviridae, Elsevier Academic press, pp.981-998, 2005. (ISBN 0-12-249951-4)
  • B.E.Straw, S.D'Allaire, W.L.Mengeling and D.J.Taylor. Diseases of Swine. 8th ed.
    Iowa, Iowa State University Press, 1999. (ISBN 0-8138-0338-1)
    • P.Vannier and E.Albina. "Bovine Viral Diarrhea and Border Disease". pp.113-118.
    • J.T.Van Oirschot. "Classical swine fever (Hog cholera)". pp.159-172.
  • 熊谷哲夫. "第3話 豚コレラのワクチン開発とその撲滅".
    昭和農業技術研究会, 西尾敏彦編. 昭和農業技術史への証言 第4集.
    東京, 農山漁村文化協会, 2005, pp.87-142. (ISBN 4-540-05240-3)